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We create both new products and also improve current products, develop innovative solutions & work-arounds to well-known issues or new ones that may arise, and otherwise provide our knowledge and expertise in the field to your products & projects...and YOU reap the benefits of this partnership, since you own all proprietary work and SOPs developed with our partnership!
For further info on previous projects/clients, please click here:
Test Developement

We have successfully developed hundreds assays & YOURS can be next! Have a "pet project" waiting on more bandwidth? We work with your sales and marketing staff, scientists, regulatory personnel, and management to develop pragmatic & cost-effective ways to get your diagnostic assay developed (lateral flow assay, EIA, ECL, PCR, isothermal NA tests, or even creating a new platform...that YOU own)!

Problem Solving

We have a phenomenal track record of projects completed vs. abandoned (over 99% success rate) & decades of industry experience! Perhaps your project is "stuck", such as lacking necessary sensitivity or specificity, sample extraction procedures/issues, stabilizing reagents, lowering costs, simplifying a procedure, etc. One of our specialties is thinking outside the box, yielding our stellar track record, and we have an incredible team of creative gurus who love to tackle problems to create simplified innovative solutions, reduce costs & overcome the hurdles (preferably CLIA-waived)!

What is a "Catalloid"?

Our proprietary colloidal gold (& other nanoparticles, such as platinum and ruthenium colloids) can be used as traditional diagnostic assay tools, as well as other uses, such as catalysts! Our proprietary colloids reduce cost & increases productivity. How? Our gold is stable at high OD (30+) that can be conjugated & blocked in less than 10 minutes at room temp under various loading/pH conditions rapidly! This amazing technological breakthrough is available to license!

Due Diligence

Catalloid Products has helped create many patents and, with decades of experience, we know how to navigate the difficult terrain that the industry "land mines" often pose. Perhaps you are looking to buy a company, technology, or make a significant investment...or possibly need to run clinical trials that will cost tens of millions and you need a companion diagnostic?  We can discuss under CDA the technologies and give candid feedback for prospects, as well as advice on overcoming those challenges (maybe even spawn new ideas for products and patents in discussion as a bonus!)

Work Arounds

Maybe you're stuck...maybe there is a large company with a substantial "picket fence" around the sand box you want to play in...what to do?  That's where we can help!  8+ decades of experience in the industry with a 99% success rate of completing projects, we are experts at overcoming challenges in developing diagnostic assays & finding solutions to projects. If it can be done, we can find it; if there is a way to "pierce the vail", we will discover it (or create one where none may exist). Give us a call & let's see if we can help...most of the time we can figure out a resolution. And in the rare case we cannot, we will say so, and almost always present another option as a work-around.


Need someone to review a research plan, give your team some advice, suggest a direction, do some competitor analysis or obtain competitor tests? Consider Catalloid Products! We can engage on an hourly basis, a project basis, or we can be put on retainer to call on a moment's notice for a very nominal amount. Whether long-term or 1 meeting, we are eager to take on your next "big thing"!

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